Performers from Across Canada
at Bloor West
Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival
September 16 - 18, 2011

The 15th
Annual Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival, September 16-18, 2011,
continues to be one of the most anticipated events of the season, and
especially so this year with the celebration of the 120th Anniversary of
Ukrainian Settlement in Canada. The Festival is pleased to announce that it
has been awarded a grant from Celebrate Ontario
and from Buduchnist Credit Union which will allow for Canadian performers of
Ukrainian heritage from across Canada
to entertain and dazzle the audience. To
complement the performers from the GTA, Ukraine and the USA, the following will
• Verkhovyna Ukrainian Song and
Dance Ensemble from Edmonton made up of the Verkhovyna Choir and
Dunai Dancers – a total of 45 performers will showcase “The
Letter,” an emotional and colourful musical and dance journey through the pages
of Ukrainian Canadian history. The
piece, dedicated to Ukrainians who helped develop this young country of Canada, is a
riveting story of a woman’s journey to a new land, and life filled with
struggles and promise. This performance is made possible by an additional
generous contribution by its lead corporate sponsor Buduchnist Credit Union.
• Akord Men’s Choir from Ottawa embodies the
richness of Ukrainian choral tradition through the melodious synergy of a
four-part choir. They perform a broad
repertoire that highlights various Ukrainian choral masters.
• Roman Brytan, a host of CKER
Radio Edmonton, is Guest MC, who has become familiar at festivals throughout North America.
• Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn, acclaimed
visual artist from Edmonton,
has reached deeply into the community with her colourful and bold work. She combines reflections of relevant
historical moments, environmental beauty, cultural influences and identities
with poignant social statements. Larisa
has just launched four pictures dedicated to the commemoration of the 120th
Anniversary celebrations.
• Roman Danylo, Star of Comedy
Inc. from Vancouver,
is a top Canadian improviser, a TV and film actor, and traditional theatre
• Baritone Chris Dunham
will showcase the Ukrainian Pioneer’s Song: “Edna Star”. Lyrics written by
Steve Andrusiak and music composed by Igor Zhylyak. A preview of “Edna Star” is available on iTunes.
• Harmonia Trio, comprised
of three sensational vocalists from Montreal,
popularize Ukrainian classical, folk and contemporary songs. They will be
featuring their Lemko repertoire.
• Lyra Trio, based in Winnipeg, has been entertaining audiences across Canada with
several styles of traditional Ukrainian music.
These three accomplished female vocalists and musicians play various
instruments including the bandura, cello, violin and guitar.
• Suzirya Ukrainian Dance
Theatre from Calgary,
under the direction of Serguei Makarov, is well known for its eloquent fusion
of ballet and traditional Ukrainian folk dance. Suzirya, meaning
constellation of many stars, has entertained audiences worldwide with many choreographic
compositions embodying the culture and spirit of Ukraine.
• Tyt i Tam Band (pronounced
“toot ee tahm”) from Saskatoon,
performs a unique and progressive style of Ukrainian zabava
(dance-party) music. The five-piece band
including a fiddle and accordion has extensive knowledge of various styles of
music that when fused together, create a signature sound. This band is an outstanding collaboration of
traditional folk songs and contemporary flavour.
addition, the Kule Folklore Centre, University
of Alberta, premieres the Pioneer
Experience Exhibit, celebrating 120 Years of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada. The
exhibit chronicles life before migrating, the ocean voyage, arriving on the
Prairies, and establishing a homestead prior to 1900. The Kule Folklore Centre
is a unique teaching, research and archival resource about Ukrainian Canadians.
Ukrainian culture in Canada
and share the Ukrainian spirit at North America’s
Largest Ukrainian Street Festival.
Verkhovyna Ukrainian Song and Dance Ensemble