OYK National President Visits Montreal Branch
Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada (UWOC-OYK) Montreal
Branch welcomed UWO National President, Yaroslava Iwasykiw, who
visited on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at the Ukrainian National
Federation (UNF) Montreal Hall. It was an opportunity for OYK
branch members to meet the National President, most for the first
time, and become informed about the ongoing work of OYK
Mrs. Iwasykiw acknowledged the enormous contributions of three outstanding members, that of Mrs. Mary Chaikowska, one of the founding members of the OYK Montreal Branch, Mrs. Stephania Zwonok having been President of OYK Montreal for sixteen years as well as, former cultural-educational representative on the OYK National Executive, and Mrs. Yaroslava Wysoczansky for her many years of work with the Montreal Council of Women.
Mrs. Iwasykiw’s presentation outlined some of the many important projects and issues that OYK National has been addressing during her term as President. This included her participation at the official opening of Sprit Lake Internment Interpretive Centre near Amos, Que., which now brings public awareness to those who were unjustly interned at the Camp Spirit Lake internment site; the making of a 12-min. video on the history of UWO-OYK in Canada which is to be completed and presented at the UWO National Conference in Edmonton, AB. She also referred to the availability of the documentary film “Ukrainians in Quebec”, which has a significant section on the beginnings of the UWO and UNF in Montreal. She further stated that OYK National has become a member organization of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - National and therefore, she recently attended the UCC National Board meeting in London, Ont. She emphasized the importance and encouraged participants from OYK branches to attend the upcoming UWO National Conference in Edmonton.
highlight of her talk was the report, accompanied by photos,
describing the highly successful OYK national project, which
she headed in aid of disabled children who were brought from Ukraine
to be cared for this past summer in Toronto.
The meeting was chaired by President Olena Yemchenko. Over a coffee break, everyone had a chance to mingle. Mrs. Iwasykiw was also shown the UNF-UWO Montreal archives, currently being organized by Mrs. Myroslava Antonowych, former librarian at McLennan Library at McGill University, with the assistance of Orysia Korol and others. These archives now include the recently acquired archives of Prosvita-Verdun, an organization founded in Montreal in 1913. Due to the lack of members, Prosvita has sold its building.
Mrs. Iwasykiw is presently visiting several OYK branches to familiarize herself first-hand with them, and to help ensure better communication between the OYK National Executive based in Toronto and its many branch members.
The UWO National Conference will be held in conjunction with the UNF of Canada and Affiliated Organizations National Convention, November 8-11, 2012, Edmonton. Founded in 1930, with an impressive 80-year plus history of Ukrainian-Canadian community service and range of activities, the Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Olha Basarab is presently being revitalized primarily by new members who have arrived recently as part of the “Fourth Wave” of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.
Zorianna Hrycenko
1- (L. to R.): Yaroslava Wysoczansky, UWO representative to the Montreal Council of Women with Yaroslava Iwasykiw, UWO National President
2 - (L. to R.): Olena Yemchenko, UWO Montreal Branch President; Stefania Zwonok; Yaroslava Iwasykiw, UWO National President; Myroslava Antonowych