Garden Party
– A little hat indulgence for conversation sake
It’s Sunday Morning, September 30 at the UNF Toronto Hall, 145 Evans Avenue. The kitchen crew is busy cutting sandwiches, cakes, squares and garnishes. In the ballroom, tables are being set with our fancy china teacups and saucers, cutlery, glasses and napkins on white linen tablecloths. The chairs are cloaked in royal purple satin. On the tables, gerbera daisy flower arrangements enhance colours. The chairs are cloaked in royal purple satin. The silver coffee and tea services gleam from the buffet table holding its bounty of food. The UNF Hall is alive with the sounds of happy activity. The unbelievably packaged door prizes have their own table as befits their grandeur. The greeters are in their position.
The Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada (OYK) – Toronto Branch is ready to host its annual Garden Party indoors, and open the doors to our guests. And they enter - young mothers, children, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunts, cousins, our members, our friends, and even a few gentlemen. Their eyes mirror the beauty of our Hall! Our guests sit down to enjoy the abundant food and then, we are ready for the Grand Parade of Hats. The judges are in attendance. Music maestro! The parade begins. A confection of hats - big, small, dainty, pristine, floppy, flowers, ribbons, bows, feathers, netting, autumn fancy gourds, a little lighted Christmas Tree - all created for our enjoyment!
all too soon the afternoon is over. Reluctantly, our guests leave
and our many helpers are left to clean up. We clean up with renewed
energy. Yes, our OYK Garden Party afternoon was a great
1 - OYK members were the kitchen crew
2 - L. to R.: Odarka Chudoba, Daria Diakowsky (hat prize winner), Stacey Suessmuth, Lydia Lelyk – President of OYK Toronto Branch
- Hat
prize winner Nadia Andryjiw