Olzhych Foundation in Canada –
Celebrating 25 Years of its Activity
Mary Pidkowich, President,
Olzhych Foundation in Canada
Olzhych Foundation in Canada was created by an Act
of Parliament on August 25, 1988, to support and promote the
development of Ukrainian culture in Canada and in supporting
Ukraine’s Independence.
The Olzhych Foundation was incorporated as a non-profit organization with the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and registered with Revenue Canada with a charitable number. The operations of the Foundation may be carried on throughout Canada and elsewhere in the world.
The name of the Olzhych Foundation was chosen to honour Oleh Kandyba (Olzhych) 1907-1944, poet, archaeologist, Ukrainian patriot and a member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN).
The first Directors of the Foundation were: Wasyl Veryha, Zynovy Knysh, Myroslaw Nebeluk, Leonid Fil, Wasyl Fedorowycz, and Eugene Mastykash. The first and long-time President of the Foundation was Dr. Ivan Woychyshyn until 2001. He was followed by presidents Yaroslava Zorych (2001-2008), Mychaylo Romach (2009), and Mary Pidkowich (2010 - current).
Thanks to the founders, many benefactors and friends, the Foundation has been able to maintain a high level of financial support for activities in our community in Canada. The Olzhych Foundation distributes grants to individuals and groups to further enhance the Ukrainian cultural experience in Canada. The majority of the Foundation’s assistance has gone towards:
a) Olzhych Foundation annual literary contest;
b) Educational programs and resource materials for children in Ukrainian Schools;
c) Concerts by Boyan and Vesnivka Choirs;
d) Scholarships to young talented participants in the Marta Krawciw-Barabash Ukrainian Music Festival and Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto;
e) Youth and sports programs – Ukrainian National Federation’s Dorist Saturday Program, sponsorship of children from Ukraine to attend UNF Summer Camp “Sokil”, and UNF Shotokan Karate-Do Academy;
f) Workshops; seminars; and conferences.
g) Anniversary celebrations of Ukrainian Canadian organizations;
h) Publication of books and newspapers;
i) Production of a film on the life of Olzhych;
j) Multi-media DVD presentation on the 80th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada.
The Foundation’s financial support to all recipients has without doubt enriched and secured our community in Canada.
The majority of financial assistance to Ukrainian communities abroad went to Ukraine, to affirm and promote the independence of Ukraine as a free and democratic nation. The Olzhych Foundation in Canada morally and financially supports initiatives of the Olzhych Foundation in Kyiv, Ukraine since its establishment in 1993, and headed by the late Mykola Plawiuk. This cooperation supports various programs and projects in Ukraine. Financial assistance has been given to the following:
1) Organizations – Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), All Ukrainian Women’s Association of “Olena Teliha”, student organization “Zarevo”, and “Parostok” care for persons with physical disabilities;
2) Publications – Ukrainian Voice weekly newspaper, journal Rozbudova Derzhavy, and books and periodicals on culture, literature, history and other topics. Many are distributed to Ukrainian readers without charge;
3) Publishing firm “Olena Teliha”;
4) Student and academic recipients of educational scholarships, including the Yaroslava Zorych Scholarship Fund, and;
5) Organisers of anniversary programs honouring past members of OUN, Ukrainian writers, poets, historians, and political activists.
For the past 25 years, the Olzhych Foundation in Canada has relied on the generosity of Ukrainian Canadians for their support to help make our activities successful. We thank everyone who has made all this possible! Still, the demands of Ukrainian communities and individuals in Canada, Ukraine, and abroad exceed what the Foundation can supply. We call on your support to help us fulfil the obligations of the Olzhych Foundation in Canada to promote a solid future for Ukrainian culture in Canada, as well as help secure a strong Ukrainian nation and Independent Ukraine.
Come and join us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Olzhych Foundation in Canada on Sunday, November 24, 2013, starting at 3 p.m. with a concert programme featuring Vesnivka Choir and Zoloti Struny Bandura Ensemble, children reciting poetry by Olzhych, and guest speaker Dr. Marko Robert Stech, followed by dinner. The anniversary venue is the Ukrainian National Federation’s Trident Hall, 145 Evans Ave., Toronto.
For more information, please contact Nadya Babyuk, tel.: 416-835-7442
The Olzhych Foundation President Mary Pidkowich