Ukraine@War Blog: MH-17
Ukraine@War is a Blog covering the events of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. The owner of this blog has done a wonderful job analyzing photographs and videos with geo-location techniques is able to tie events and equipment to specific locations and times. Also his analyses have often shown that Russian soldiers use artillery & mortars to bombard civilian targets in areas that they are occupying.
This blog owner has done some pretty amazing investigations into the shooting down of MH-17 via the internet, exploring social media posts, posted photographs, posted videos, and using geo-location techniques can track down photographs and videos to specific locations and individuals. There has been quite a few posts released over the past year that has painted a fairly complete picture about the events leading up to the shooting down of MH-17, evidence of the actual event, and subsequent attempts to cover up and/or obfuscate the events by the Russian Government, Russian Media, Russian Information Warriors and their proxies & useful idiots.
Ukraine@War Blog can be accessed HERE. The Gentleman in question has a twitter account at @DajeyPetros.
Staff of InfoUkes Inc.
July 17th 2015
Ukraine@War Blog Posts With Respect to MH-17
Russia shoots down Malaysian MH17
Thursday, July 17, 2014
by Dajey Petros
July 17th Russian terrorists operating in Ukraine shot down a commercial boeing 777 thinking it was a Ukrainian transport aircraft AN-26.
Russian transport of BUK into Ukraine on July 17th
Thursday, July 17, 2014
by Dajey Petros
On 17/7 a Russian convoy had arrived in Ukraine which transported the BUK that shot down Malasian MK17. At about 13:30 the BUK must have entered the city Snizhne.
Russian transport of BUK that shot down MH17 OUT of Ukraine
Friday, July 18, 2014
by Dajey Petros
The transport of the BUK that shot down MH17 back to Russia has been recorded:
CONFIRMED the BUK that shot down MH17 has indeed been in Donetsk
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
by Dajey Petros
@sergeiyakovlev gives me some very valuable information and translation. Read his tweets to me:
EXACT location pinpointed of MH17 missile launch site
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Journalist Roland Oliphant read my blog where I calculated the possible site of the missile launch. See the blog.
EXIF data timestamp in MH17 missile launch photo is 16:25:48 17th July
Friday, July 25, 2014
by Dajey Petros
It turns out that there is one single piece of key evidence in the reconstruction of how and from which location MH17 was shot down. It is this photo:
Different weather conditions at MH17 launch and crash site
Monday, July 28, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Russian trolls have tried to discredit the single one launch photo of the trail of the missile that brought down MH17, by arguing that there where no clouds in that photo, but on all other photos and videos of the crash site clouds can be seen.
Another photo of the MH17 BUK transport leads to the truck company
Monday, July 28, 2014
by Dajey Petros
A French newspaper claims to have another photo of the BUK on transport:
Fake video of MH17 missile launch
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
by Dajey Petros
I don't want to pay too much attention to fake photos and videos. I like to just ignore them. But if it keeps coming back at me, I guess I have to address is.
Why RUSSIA shot down MH17 and not 'local separatists'
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
by Dajey Petros
First of all: the war in East-Ukraine is a Russian operation with the help of some local recruits. See this blog. But apart from that, the BUK did not operate alone...
Ukrainian SBU comes with conspiracy theory about MH17?
Thursday, August 7, 2014
by Dajey Petros
The Ukrainian SBU comes with a new theory about why MH17 was shot down: it was the wrong plane, because the BUK was send to the wrong Pervomaisk. The intention was to shoot down a Russian civilian plane so it would be 'undeniably caused by Ukraine'. That would have been the right motive to fully and openly invade.
Debunking the SBU-theory of AFL2074 - MH17 mix up.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
by Dajey Petros
My friend @avva wholeheartedly disagrees with the Ukrainian conspiracy theory:
Google Earth shows Russia used photos from 2010 to prove its proxies captured a BUK
Monday, October 20, 2014
by Dajey Petros
On June 29th the Russian proxies called 'separatist' by the media reported to have captured one or more BUKs from the Ukrainian army.
President of German Intelligence and media are (AGAIN) making false statements
Monday, October 20, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Bild reports about Schindler, the president of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (Intelligence Service) that the rebels shot down MH17 with a BUK stolen from Ukraine.
Proof that Ukraine destroyed the BUKs that were at risk to be captured.
Monday, October 20, 2014
by Dajey Petros
A photo of the disabled BUK parked at A-1428 has been found:
Google Earth shows Russian BUK that shot down Ukrainian AN-26 on July 14th
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Google Earth has been very revealing lately because it updated a lot of areas with maps from August and September, thus showing positions and effects of the war between Russian and Ukraine.
Google Earth shows Russians used MH17 crash area intensively for firing MLRS
Sunday, November 16, 2014
by Dajey Petros
The September 14th satellite image in Google Earth shows many locations that have been used for firing MLRS rockets. These leave a dark imprint in the field where the grass or corn is burned from the rocket engines.
Unnoticed video of AN-26 downing confirms shot down from Russian territory.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Largely unnoticed video of the downing of Ukrainian AN-26 confirms it was shot down from Russian territory.
Interview with eyewitness who made the photo of the BUK trail
Monday, December 22, 2014
by Dajey Petros
This is a translation of the Dutch article of RTL-nieuws on . The interview has been done by Olaf Koens @OBK.
Second MH17 BUK trail photo from July 17th
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
by Dajey Petros
Here is a copy of the original second photo of the BUK missile trail that had shot down MH17:
Was Ukrainian BUK 312 stolen by Russian (proxy) terrorists?
Monday, January 5, 2015
by Dajey Petros
Desperate Russians try every single remote option to avoid the inevitable: that they have to admit that they shot down MH17 with their own BUK. So the latest fashion is to claim that it was Ukrainian BUK 312 that shot MH17 down. This implies it must have been stolen, because the launch location is known and that area was and still is in Russian control. But the one that shot down MH17 does not match UA BUK 312:
One Russian radar identified at 19 kms distance of MH17 launch site
Thursday, January 8, 2015
by Dajey Petros
Earlier I blogged and tweeted about a possible location for Russian radar near the Ukrainian border:
Video of exploding BUK missile
Thursday, January 8, 2015
by Dajey Petros
Thanks to @ain92ru for locating this.
BUK photos found of 53rd Russian Air Defense brigade with number 3xx
Sunday, January 11, 2015
by Dajey Petros
@RuslanLeviev found photos on VKontakte of BUKs from 53rd Russian Air Defense Brigade starting with a 3..
Evidence of Russian BUK battery near Ukrainian border at Marinovka
Thursday, March 19, 2015
by Dajey Petros
This is Russian soldier Rasul Khasbulatovs VK-page:
Never published before satellite images of Russian BUK battery near Ukraine border
Friday, March 20, 2015
by Dajey Petros
On special request @finriswolf published satellite images of BUK units near the Ukrainian border at the level of Marinovka, close to the MH17 launch site.
Possible truck and tanks identified that escorted the Russian BUK that shot down MH17
Friday, August 14, 2015
by Dajey Petros
This blog about how the BUK had entered Ukraine on the 17th of July 2014, shows this photo:
Suncalcing the BUK and Vostok transport to Snizhne July 17th 2014
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
by Dajey Petros
Basically, since the fatal July 17th 2014 it is already known that and how the Russian BUK was transported from Donetsk to Snizhne. That story never changed. Nevertheless Russian Trolls keep trying to blur the facts over and over again. And of course questions on details remain. These are (some of) these questions:
Newly published satellite images show Russian BUK battery East of Kuybyshevo was operational before July 20th 2014
Friday, May 13, 2016
by Dajey Petros
New Google Earth maps reveal that the Russian BUK-battery East of Kuybyshevo was already operational during July 2014.
That means the BUK that shot down MH17 could have communicated with the ones on Russian soil.
How MH17 changed the Russian war in Ukraine
Sunday, July 17, 2016
by Dajey Petros
On July 17th 2014 MH17 was downed by a BUK-M1 missile launched south of Snizhne. This happened in the middle of the war between Russia and Ukraine, that the Russian propaganda machine franticly tried and tries to portray as a civil war it has nothing to do with.
Ukraine has similarly franticly been blamed for the downing of MH17, by Russian propaganda, MOD and government alike. In the worst case the public opinion and MSM think it was 'an accident by inexperienced separatists who didn't know how to handle the BUK given to them and wrongly pushed the launch-button'.
Summary Page on MH-17
All about MH17
by Dajey Petros
There are important events in Ukraine BEFORE MH17 was brought down:
since July 17th 2015