Press Release
Reply to Globe and Mail Editorial - by Ukraine's Ambassador to Canada Yuri Scherbak
Letter to the Editor, submitted February 23, 2001
I was surprised by your editorial Ukraine Murder Mystery of 19 February 2001, concerning the internal politics of Ukraine. The article draws attention to the tragedy of journalist G.Gongadze, whose disappearance suggests involvement of the Ukrainian government, headed by President L. Kuchma. The question arises, does the Globe and Mail believe in the principle of "presumption of innocence" that is so cherished in the West?
The ongoing investigation of the matter is being conducted openly by Ukrainian authorities. In accordance with our legislation and international obligations, Ukraine is interested in the full and impartial examination of the publicized taped conversations and of the headless body found in a forest near Kyiv. At the same time we categorically reject any attempts of certain groups to fundamentally change by "revolutionary means" the existing political system and the Constitution of Ukraine.
The troubling aspect of the article is that it suggests a potential review of the attitude of Canada towards Ukraine. We value greatly Canada’s support for our country. Projects like the aid in democratic reforms, health care and agriculture, which Ukraine so badly needs, are working well and will hopefully continue to do so. In my opinion, it is not worthwhile projecting the internal politics of Ukraine into the sphere of international relations. Let us give Ukraine a chance to resolve the situation by her own efforts.
Dr. Yuri Scherbak,
Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada
For more information, please contact:
Taras Malyshevskyi, Press Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine
310 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
Tel. (613) 230-2961, fax (613) 230-2400,
