Protocol of the Meeting between The Minister of International Cooperation, Maria Minna and the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Vassyl Rohoviy

The Minister of International Cooperation, the Honourable Maria Minna, and the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Vassyl Rohoviy, met on October 4, 2001 to review and discuss the Canadian Cooperation Program with Ukraine.
Ukraine's independence put the country on a path of transformation towards a market driven economy characterized by democratic institutions and the rule of law. Ukraine's transformation is supported by international assistance programs, among which Canada's efforts are at the forefront.
Since the Canadian Cooperation Program with Ukraine began in 1991, Canada has committed more than $151 million in bilateral technical cooperation assistance to Ukraine. Of this, $20M was in humanitarian assistance. Canada has also provided $33.7M in multilateral assistance and $19.2M in regional initiatives to countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. In addition, Canada has provided $70M in commercial credits.
The Canadian Cooperation Program in Ukraine seeks to support the transition to a market-based economy; promote democratic development and good governance, facilitate trade and investment links with Ukraine. In addition, the program has a nuclear safety aspect as well as a trilateral co-operation program between Canada, Poland, and Ukraine. The Canadian Cooperation Program with Ukraine is an important element of the special partnership between Canada and Ukraine, and it draws on the cultural ties of Canadians of Ukrainian heritage.
Minister Minna and Vice Prime Minister Rohoviy agreed that given the changes in Ukraine since 1997 that it was appropriate that CDDA should revise its country program strategy for the period 2001 to 2006. It had been agreed that the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada and the Ministry of Economy and European Integration in Ukraine would be consulted on the new country program strategy.
In keeping with Ukrainian needs expressed during Minister Minna's visit to Kyiv in September, 2000, when she was hosted by then-Minister of Economy Rohoviy, the parties agreed to examine additional efforts to support agricultural reforms. Given Canada's expertise in this area, CIDA will endeavour to increase programming in agriculture through ongoing and new projects.
Mr. Rohoviy also advised Minister Minna that one of the priorities for Ukraine is the support by the Government of Canada for the promotion of modem business education in Ukraine, especially at the MBA level, including the development of business education institutions which will help to create a new generation of managers, raise the level of existing management skills, and consequently increase the attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy to foreign investors.
Minister Minna and Mr. Rohoviy agreed that CIDA and the Ministry of Economy and European Integration should review, at an appropriate juncture, the necessity of making amendments to the October 24,1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ukraine on the Canadian Cooperation Program. Such a review would be with the aim of ensuring the appropriate exemption from Ukrainian taxation and maintenance of appropriate privileges for Canada's technical cooperation program in Ukraine.
Minister Minna and Mr. Rohoviy also agreed that, in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding on the Canadian Cooperation Program, CIDA and the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy and European Integration will review the Canadian Cooperation Program annually.
Signed for Canada |
Signed for Ukraine |
The Honourable Maria Minna, P.C., M.P, Minister of International Cooperation |
Vassyl Rohoviy, |
October 4, 2001
For additional information, please contact:
Alla Okomaniuk, Press Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine
310 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
Tel. (613) 230-2961, fax (613) 230-2400

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